Barbados Qualifications and Credit Framework
Barbados Accreditation Council
Consultancy Status

Leading up to the Implementation of the Barbados Qualifications and Credit Framework (BQCF), a new mechanism which recognises people’s skills and qualifications, irrespective of how and where they were acquired, our team ensured the mandate for a comprehensive PR campaign was addressed in the overall work programme. These activities were designed to raise the awareness of the BQCF and to highlight the benefits to stakeholders and the general public.
Public Relations
- Media relations
- Interview opportunities
Social media management
- Social media awareness & visibility campaign
- Graphic design
- Regular posting on Facebook & Instagram
Brand Development
- Logo
- Slogan
- Retractable Banner
- Brand Guide
- Branded Items: tote bags, pens & stress balls
Communication Materials
- A BQCF information brochure that introduces six (6) characters/representatives of the framework
- A Jingle with a Caribbean flavor;
- Electronic Newsletters
Public Outreach
- Interview on Mornin’ Barbados
- Informational Booth at Sky Mall & Sheraton Centre
Character Design

BQCF Brochure

The campaign generated (100%) positive publicity in the media on the BQCF as well as positive publicity in social media on BQCF (Instagram, YouTube & LinkedIn).
It exceeded expectation, significantly increasing the number of followers on social media platforms namely Facebook from 686 to 988 followers and Instagram from 13 to 305 followers. It also raised levels of buy-in of the BQCF among over 50% of Government Agencies, private sector, registered and unregistered training & education providers, exceeding the required amount where approximately 56% indicated improvement.
Six (6) public/media initiatives were completed successfully.